Drug abuse prison statistics, by the numbers. Also, Maria Shriver.

May 22, 2006 19:52

Black males born today have a one in three chance of going to prison during their lifetime, compared to a one in seventeen chance for white males. These trends have been exacerbated by the impact of the "war on drugs," with three-fourths of all drug offenders being persons of color, far out of proportion to their share of drug users in society.

At the Federal level, prisoners incarcerated on drug charges make up nearly 60% of all inmates. Since 1980, the number of drug offenders in state prisons has increased thirteen-fold, and drug offenders now comprise one-fifth of all state prisoners. Most of these persons are not high-level actors in the drug trade, and most have no prior criminal record for a violent offense.

The Sentencing Project, an advocacy group, reports that the U.S. incarceration rate in 2004 was the highest in the world, at 724 per 100,000 population. Second was Russia, at 532 per 100,000.

We're Number ONE!!!

[ed. emphasis mine, information from The Sentencing Project]

NOTE: This entry edited at 8:44 pm to include the following special bulletin: Maria Shriver is very clearly and obviously imploding. Much like the house in the film Poltergeist. I thought you all should know.

politics, our stupid modern times, drugs, government, law

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