I've failed at posting since... June, maybe?
So here's an update, of sorts.
1. house. We're mostly unpacked, if by unpacked you mean stuff (other than my office/bookshelves) is out of boxes. Objects have not all landed in their ultimate resting places yet. As yet we have no window fixtures - shades installed next week! - so there's bright light in the master bedroom 24/7 (yes, there is a streetlight right outside) and the kitchen is an oven from noon til six pm. I'm sorting through things still. The entry level, which is I guess where a formal sitting room and dining room would be, has become the catch-all place for the stuff we aren't sure what to do with, and for all the broken-down cardboard boxes that don't fit in our alley recycle bin.
2. still no job. I'm applying. There are tons of jobs for applicants with a BS, but not so much with PhD +10 years experience if you don't want to be PI. Which I don't.
3. FOB shows in TX happened. It was great to see
eckerlilas and
shutyourface. I will never get over the growly thing Patrick Stump does nowadays in I Don't Care. Seriously. Work it, bb.
4. Agents of SHIELD. I have mixed feelings about this show, partly because in the first episode SHIELD felt a lot like the NSA.
5. Grimm. We started watching when we had a TV and no TV service. I'm entertained by the fairytales, but man the writing is not good a lot of the time.
6. Hockey has started. I will enjoy living in a city with an NHL team. I feel like my team, the geriatric Devils, are going to be TERRIBLE this year (fuck you very much, Kovalchuk, for not retiring BEFORE the draft, when they could've used the pick for something other than trading for another goalie, like, say, a scoring forward. ANY scoring forward. who is not 40 years old) but at least I'll have a girlfriend team to cheer on?
7. Saddest: spent a couple of hours unsubscribing/unfollowing TX venues and mailing lists.
8. I have the worst cold. THE WORST. I don't know where I got it - possibly from the completely packed flight back from Houston? - but it has settled in. I thought it was better Tuesday, but yesterday was worse again, and this morning I just gave up and took DayQuil. It makes me fuzzy and disconnected from reality, so I'm probably not going to get tons done - don't like to drive in that condition, so a trip to Home Depot is out - but hopefully I'll feel better this afternoon.
9. The
youcouldmakealife tumblr, which has bits and pieces of headcanon and backstory to the original hockey fic I rec'd a while back, has been a distraction and a joy, lately.