i think it looks a little better on me

Apr 21, 2013 09:00

+ Bush. Reliving my university years, musically. Still, the bassline to Come Down will always make me pause to listen.

+ People-watching at BuzzFest XXX. Worth the price of admission.

- My knee is swollen and my calf is super tight. Ugh. Maybe I'll do something lower impact this afternoon.

+ The Aeros made the playoffs! They need to win tonight and the Checkers to lose if they want home-ice for the first round (doubtful), but whatever. Playoffs for their last season in Houston!

+ Mostly cleaned up the coffeeshop AU not!fic, so that might be posted soon?

+ why_me_why_not is the best. Last night I texted her I need someone to tell the story of Jeff Skinner, Secret Romantic. His favorite book is essentially an adventure/romance! The rest of the guys laugh about him taking dates to see chick flicks, but he actually doesn't mind? (Also, he gets laid a lot because ladies think he's sweet and sensitive on top of being a hot young athlete, so he wins all the way around. And, predictably, we spewed ideas at each other on the topic until long past we both should have been asleep.

+ Rafa's making a come back (crossing my fingers, anyway) in his match against Djokovic at Monte Carlo. Vamos!

Crossposted at http://asimplechord.dreamwidth.org/532808.html; comment as/where you wish.

handbasket: occupied, my brain, music, i have no excuse, oh life, buzzfest, i'll take some cheese with my whine, my fic, spanish armada, hockey

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