today was a Jonah day

Dec 03, 2012 22:48

Today I:

1. Missed the 7:30 bus by approximately 30 seconds. I watched it pull away from the stop as I parked.

2. Took the later bus, which sat in traffic for 1.5 hours, instead of the normal 40 minutes the commute should take. Late to work. Of course.

3. Spilled my ice bucket all over the place in my rush to get my experiment going in the time I'd signed up for the tissue culture hood (9-11am; great except for how the traffic delay meant I got to work at 9:30 :|)

4. Fixed cells for 10 minutes too long because a fire alarm went off, requiring building evacuation. It was nothing, in the end, just a waste of time.

5. Sat through an excruciatingly boring seminar. My boss sat next to me, so I couldn't even sneak out when the speaker went well over the scheduled time limit.

6. Rode a stationary bike for 40 minutes tonight instead of running or doing something else more strenuous, because DAMN my quads are sore. The trial gym membership included a session with a trainer, so on Saturday I lifted weights and used muscle groups that apparently don't see much use when I jog. But I didn't realize how hard they'd been worked until Sunday, when I ran three miles and then cooled down and stretched. Post-shower I sat down and could not get back up. Getting older sucks, I don't recommend it. Also, getting lazy about daily exercise makes it worse. Self, DON'T DO THAT AGAIN.

6. Ranted for a full 10 minutes after receiving an email from my congressional rep (a member of the GOP - I live in a very conservative district) about Obama forcing the fiscal cliff and being unrealistic, assuring me that "House Republicans will continue to ensure that the power remains with the people." I thought that the American people had already spoken. My impression was that the majority doesn't want Medicare/Medicaid/SS cut and are perfectly cool with the idea of letting the Shrub-era tax cuts for the wealthy expire. THAT'S WHY OBAMA WON AND THE MITT-BOT DIDN'T. It made me RAGE.

*deep breaths*


Now I'm gonna go ponder the next fest fic to be written.

Or maybe I'll do a meme:

Pick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I’ll tell you something about the story I’d write for that combination (i.e. write a snippet from the story or write not!fic or tell you the title and summary for the story I would write).

1. space!AU
2. pretending to be married
3. mistletoe kiss
4. game night
5. handcuffed together
6. snowed-in
7. next-door neighbors AU
8. fantasy AU
9. day at the beach
10. celebratory kiss
11. apocalypse fic
12. sharing a bed
13. road trip
14. genderswap
15. kissing to save the day

Crossposted at; comment as/where you wish.

oh life, hell in a handbasket, what was i saying again?, politics, meme, i have to laugh or i will cry

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