positive things for the last couple of days (so I don't default to whining about colleagues again)

Nov 05, 2012 22:18

+ The new washer has been installed. It's supposed to be more energy and water efficient, but it takes longer to do a load than the old standard. Whatever, I really appreciate not visiting the laundromat on a regular basis. The nearest one was pretty sketchy.

+ The Aeros played the first of a four-game home stand Sunday. They lost in a shoot-out, but that's better than I expected. They looked tired and flat in the first two periods, like the back-to-back-to-back with a seven-hour roadtrip in between had done them in. Their power play was terrible. And apparently they called up another D-man from Allen? He dressed and warmed up with them, but was a healthy scratch (along with Granlund, Brodin, Scandella, and multiple other scratches D:). Also, holy crap, it's one thing to see in his stats that Baldwin, the guy they called up from Orlando on Saturday, is 6'5" and it is something else entirely to see him up close and personal. And that's not even talking about when he lays a hit on someone right at the glass. GIANT. Also giant? The brand new video screen scoreboard at the Toyota Center.

+ Pizza with green peppers and extra cheese.

+ Early voting, accomplished! GO VOTE! I don't care who you vote for, just do it. (OK, that's a lie: I care. And if you are female and vote Romney/Ryan I don't understand at all, because one of the bases for their platform is all about making people who were born with a uterus second class citizens. But it's your vote. USE IT.)

+ After tomorrow, all the horrible adverts on TV and auto-dial phone calls and emails bombarding me with pleas for donations of time or money for political campaigns will stop. Or at least slow down until the next election cycle.

+ Spencer Smith's tweets are making me happy right now. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. (And probably a really good older brother.)

+ Nathan Fillion trolling Firefly on tonight's episode of Castle: A+++++++

Crossposted at http://asimplechord.dreamwidth.org/518512.html; comment as/where you wish.

the gop hates women, oh life, but spencer is a really close 2nd, tv, hell in a handbasket, i am not an incubator, politics, hockey

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