how does the universe know that it's Monday, and therefore must suck?

Aug 27, 2012 21:19

I was super cranky today - I think it's just that time of year, when I'm looking at a few weeks of work before vacation and I just don't want to deal with other people's bullshit, so my labmates' behavior annoys me even more than usual. Seriously, I watched one try to stuff a fist full of syringes into a completely full sharps box even though there was a new, empty one RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER; this is the same person who will let a biohazard waste bin overflow onto the floor rather than tie it closed and call EHS to come pick it up - because if she doesn't, surely someone else will do it for her.

But instead of the long, bitchy post I composed in my head as I exercised, which encompassed work, home, and entertainment (Really, ESPN? Would you do a phone interview with a football player's wife during the pregame show? No? Then why interview Kim Clijster's husband? IDGAF about him. SHOW ME TENNIS. I KNOW THERE ARE MATCHES OTHER THAN THE ONE ON ASHE.) I'm going to think about happy-making things.

The happy-making list for the day:

1. why_me_why_not is the smartest. I was kicking around the idea of writing for hockeybigbang, and she pointed out that I could write what I've got outlined now before the sign-ups close, and ONLY if I have 10k words or more will I sign up. For research purposes, I'm gonna leave these links here:
PK Subban's workout, with more text re: diet, and still more
Tyler Seguin's workout, ramping it up
Jeff Skinner's speed workout
Gary Roberts NHL article
Damn, the Subban family cleans up well

2. The Habs' twitter amuses me. Mostly because I force myself to read the French version, for a little bit of daily practice.

3. The Head Speed vs. Instinct ads with Novak Djokovic and Maria Sharapova are all awesome, but this one is the best. New balls, please!

4. College football starts in three days. Go, Red!

5. I've watched Gaslight Anthem's Lolla set a ridiculous number of times in the last three days. Brian Fallon, smile a little more, I don't think they could see you from the back. I'm charmed by how he's so proud of being from Jersey. I still keep watching their Letterman performance of Biloxi Parish the most though, because the sound quality of the entire set's a bit better given that they're in a studio, not a park. Less than four weeks. Tim McIlrath and Brian Fallon are ALWAYS the answer.

6. Mute Math, Incubus, and Linkin Park tomorrow.

music, oh life, sometimes it's like pulling teeth, i'll take some cheese with my whine, link-ity, in my hard hard heart, tabby

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