The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.

Aug 12, 2012 18:40

1. The Bourne Legacy. I enjoyed it for what it was: an opportunity to ogle J. Renner. They manage to tie it into the Matt Damon movies deftly enough, although I'm not happy with what they're doing to the Pamela Landy character. The science makes my brain hurt: a PhD biochemist is qualified to assess and treat patients? Uh, sure. Also, any jackass scientist who ignores the ethics and long term consequences of their research with a handwave-y "it's cutting edge! it'll only be used for good! but I don't want to know details outside my lab" is an idiot. Development of Renner's character: interesting, very Flowers-for-Algernon-ish. Wish we'd learned more about Norton's. Is he a policy wonk? Scientist? Military origin? TELL ME MORE. The biggest complaint is that the story was unfinished. Like, the movie ended, and I was like, "But shouldn't there be another 30 minutes to wrap this up?" But no. Series set up. Obviously.

2. Saw Steel Magnolias at Stages Rep Theatre yesterday. I had only seen the film, so I had no idea how they'd manage everything in a single setting - that of Truvy's beauty shop - but it worked.

3. I posted hockey RPF. Genderswap, even. IDEK, OK?

4. I'm ignoring the closing ceremonies for the Olympics. I'm just done, still so annoyed by NBC's coverage.


handbasket: occupied, oh life, my fic, rpf, movies

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