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Comments 4

why_me_why_not August 9 2012, 14:33:28 UTC
I don't really understand the science-y words, but I DO understand shipping and customer satisfaction, and that is just RIDICULOUS that yall're having to go through so much BS just to get your orders. Someone in that company needs to get on the ball.


asimplechord August 9 2012, 14:58:01 UTC
It makes me so cranky. I don't like to be short with the CSR b/c I know it's not their fault, but seriously, when the rep today said it would ship today, I was like, "Really? Because that's the third time someone's told me that, and they obviously haven't shipped yet."


Prompt me? I should probably try writing in GK or some other fandom again. I want to, anyway. We'll see if anything trickles out.


why_me_why_not August 9 2012, 15:01:00 UTC
Wanna tell me about Nate/Brad and how they're spending the dog days of August cooling off? Or heating up, you know how that goes. Maybe a weekend at the lake (a throwback to someone's childhood) or cutting a deal with the ice cream man to save back a couple bomb pops for them in the evening or idk. Something Nate/Brad and summery. :P


asimplechord August 12 2012, 23:22:36 UTC
Brad and Nate rotate vacation activities each year: one summer with the Colberts, the next with the Ficks, and the third on their own. This year is a Fick family summer, so Brad rides his bike up from Parris Island to Lewes. The Bay Bridge-Tunnel is stunning, and even though riding up the coast instead of heading to DC means he won't have much Nate-only time, he avoids the Beltway and all its attendant bullshit.

He arrives mid-afternoon, and the cottage is empty - the kids must all be at the beach - so he dumps his duffel on one of the unoccupied beds on the sleep porch that has become his and Nate's room over his last few visits. It's not air-conditioned, so none of the kids want it, but even in the current heatwave, it's bearable. Especially when Nate's there, with Brad. He texts Nate: Arrived. Going on a recon mission. Text me when you're oscar mike.He exchanges boots and jeans for board shorts and flip-flops, and heads out to check the beach. There aren't any Ficks on the stretch of sand closest to the cottage, which means the ( ... )


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