I just commented this to
why_me_why_not, but I figure I might as well share my shame with everyone:
I want someone to write Sidney Crosby/Zach Parise (BFF or RPS) fic now. Sidney sat with Zach's parents during the Stanley Cup finals! They're friends! (I think they overlapped for a year at Shattuck-St. Mary's, which is a super elite hockey prep school in Minnesota, where Parise is from.) They are BFFs and want to play together! And Zach makes Sidney behave like a Real Boy, instead of the Hockey Bot everyone has long thought he is. Sidney's been sweet-talking Zach into leaving the Devils and coming to play wing for him, now that he's healthy (relatively speaking) again. He took a significant pay-cut in his new contract to help meet salary-cap quotas so the Penguins can afford him! (Also, LOLLLLL at Geno Malkin suddenly being surprised and jealous that his Sid wants to hang out with someone else.)
(Of course, I say this while HATING the fact that Parise is almost definitely leaving my favorite team, the Devils. But since Marty Brodeur, my absolute favorite player, might now test free agency as well, I have no faith that the Devils will do ANYTHING next season.)