Saturday, Saturday

Jan 07, 2012 12:00

Things that I've been reading:

1. Enemy Mine, by Rassaku. The Dresden Files, Harry/Marcone. Harry gets invited on a date by everyone’s favorite mob boss, and then things get weird. Canon-compliant through Small Favor, with some uses of info from Turn Coat.

2. Chrysalis, by Starcrossedgirl. Harry Potter, Snape/Harry, adult. In which Harry is a tad messed up after the war, but Snape gives him a run for his money. Or: an epic tale of PTSD, recovery and gay porn! PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS. EWE.

3. I Seem To Be A Verb (A Notting Hill AU). Inception, Arthur/Eames, WIP. Scroll to the bottom -
bookshop has posted a link to a PDF of all the installments thus far. IDEK how many words it is, or how much longer it'll be, but at this point it's 60-some comments worth of fic. HOTTTT.

4. The Julie Collins, PI, series by Lori Armstrong. These novels are suspense with a relationship thread to them. The thing that interests me most is that Julie, like the main character Armstrong's other series, is not your average nice-girl heroine. She's a heavy drinking, chain smoking, hard living woman with a lot of flaws. Alcohol and violence are permanent fixtures in her life, and she makes no excuses for that.

Other stuffs:

- Left my phone at work yesterday. At least, I hope that's where it is. :/

- Aaron received an iPod Touch for Christmas. He is hilariously addicted to playing Scrabble and Angry Birds. And I do mean addicted. He has no room to criticize when it comes to me being dependent on my iPhone now.

- This cough & congestion need to GTFO. So tired of needing tissues and cold medicine and drugging myself to sleep.

- Um, go Texans? IDK, I don't much care about the NFL, but it's a good excuse to hang out with friends and drink beer.

- Someone should poke me into writing down surprise!married Spencer/Brendon/Sarah fic for harriet_vane.

- Grant renewal deadline in less than one month. NO STRESS. Just, you know, trying to generate enough for figures while helping to finish up Student's project and waiting to hear what reviewers have to say about our last submitted manuscript.

Crossposted at; comment as/where you wish.

science!, oh life, hp, books, weekend, link-ity, what was i saying again?

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