2011 gig meme

Jan 03, 2012 22:50

Top 5 shows of the year?

1. Patrick Stump @ HOB Dallas
2. Foxy Shazam, Patrick Stump, Panic! at the Disco @ Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ
3. Without A Face, Stamps, Tommy & The High Pilots, Ludo @ Bronze Peacock/HOB - Houston
4. Riverboat Gamblers, Flobots, Rise Against @ Verizon, Houston
5. My Morning Jacket's set @ Lollapalooza

Total number of shows?

Including SXSW & festivals (each festival counted as one show): 40. Complete list is here.

First show of the year?

River City Extension, Steel Train, The Get Up Kids @ Warehouse Live Studio

Last show of the year?

Electric Touch, Bang Bangz, Girl In A Coma @ Warehouse Live Studio

Most surprising show?

Flobots, opening for Rise Against. Because if you'd asked, I'd've said that I did not like them much. Probably b/c my main context for them before that show was that stupid Handlebars song. But they are AWESOME live.

Most disappointing?

Chris Cornell at the House of Blues, the acoustic show. Ties with the terrible sound at the Soundgarden set at Voodoo.

Farthest traveled?

Um... NY/NJ, I think.

States attended shows in?

Texas, New Orleans, Illinois, Tennessee, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York (if the Green Day show that happened after the last performance of American Idiot counts)

Venue most visited?

Houston's House of Blues.

Worst injury?

No injuries, just tour crud following the TX/NOLA leg of the Discos/PStump fall tour.

Most expensive ticket?

Bonnaroo passes. But if we're talking one-day shows? Probably Linkin Park, just b/c it was at Toyota Center.

Band seen the most?

Panic! at the Disco, 11 times. They were tied with PStump until the free show thing happened. (Also, LOL, TX crew at the free show at Momo's. What are our lives, that they recognize us and like seeing faces they know in the crowd?)

Best new discovery?

Little Hurricane, maybe? I also really liked River City Extension.

Bands seen this year that also broke up this year?

None, I think? Drive A broke up, but I don't think I saw them this year, so.

Friends made at shows?

Jake & Sarah at the PStump show in Austin.

Band members met?

Ludo, Discos (LOL, how many times?), PStump & his band, Empires, Tommy et al.

Best souvenir from a show?

One of the sticks Spencer Smith used for the encore at... Philadelphia's show, I think.

Longest time in line?

Uh... IDK, we waited a long time in NOLA for Discos & PStump. But that's just 'cause we arrived relatively early and had a nice spot on a bench in the sun and could ogle band dudes as they walked by.

Shows seen from the barricade [front row]--

Most of them, the individual shows, anyway. For most of the festival shows, I just copped a squat and drank some beer and listened from wherever I was planted.

Most shows in one month?

June, counting all the individual sets at Bonnaroo.

Most shows in one week?

Bonnaroo followed by two Discos shows. That was music Thursday through Sunday, then Tuesday and Wednesday again.

Biggest crowd?

Linkin Park, for an individual show. Or one of the sets at the big stage at Bonnaroo or Lollapalooza - the big paddock at Bonnaroo can hold 60k people, but IDK if that many people actually showed up for Eminem.

Any drunk encounters?

Not this year. That I can remember.

Top 5 worst 2011 concert moments:

1. waiting in 115deg heat outside Stubb's before PStump's show
2. crap view and sound at the Chris Cornell show
3. feeling the tour crud starting at the Panic show in NOLA
4. Butch Walker didn't come to TX on any of his tours this year
5. some asshole doing a hit-and-run when I was on my way home from the Dallas Panic show

Top 5 best (or most hilarious) 2011 concert moments:

1. being soaking wet and rocking out anyway in the storm on day 3 of Lollapalooza
2. Patrick Stump being tiny and amazing
3. conversation with Patrick Stump before the NOLA show
4. Discos in their Halloween costumes at the DC M&G
5. tweeting with Without A Face while standing right next to him after one of his sets

Crossposted at http://asimplechord.dreamwidth.org/511026.html; comment as/where you wish.

tiniest frontman ever, music, flailing, meme, discos

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