life is kicking my ass right now

Jun 22, 2011 21:15

+ J is going to visit in October. \o/

+ I've flailed about Rise Against before. There are no heart-eyes big enough to express my love for this band. Seriously. Tim McIlrath was on HLN's Showbiz News the other night before the MTV premiere, and he's blogged about this song and its video, which was a collaborative effort with the It Gets Better project.

+ I had something to say about songs that are popular right now (including some of Rise Against's and Lady Gaga's Born This Way) vis a vis 33 Revolutions Per Minute, but my brain is fried.

+ Also had some thoughts about Emily's Army's debut album, but haven't really collected them. Except that I am pretty amused by Asslete.

+ Wimbledon! I haven't been able to watch much (just the first few games of Serena and Venus Williams the past couple of days - they were up and down but triumphed), but the Radio Wimbledon app is working pretty well. Far better than Radio Roland Garros did, actually. Rafa made it through with no problems today, as did Deliciano, but Fernando lost to Haase in the second round. Daveeeed plays Ryan Harrison tomorrow. \o/

- Work. I'm so tired of my lab mates.

Post-doc: *waves a tube of common reagent* We're out of this now, is there more?

Me: Yes, there are aliquots in the -80 freezer.

Post-doc: *moves to put the empty tube back on the shelf*

Me: Do not put that back if it's empty.

Post-doc: There might be enough for someone else if they centrifuge what's on the side.

Me: (*incredulously thinking: You JUST SAID we were out, but now there's enough left, when it seems I'm not just going to provide more for you?*) If it is empty or there isn't enough for at least one more use, throw it out and go get another.

Post-doc: Where? *looks at me blankly*

Me: *annoyed enough to be passive-aggressive and not say precisely, even though I know* In the -80. Check the spreadsheet of the freezer inventory.

If I wanted someone to clean up after, I'd have kids of my own.

But I guess I know now who was responsible for the empty bottles and tubes I kept finding when I went to use common reagents.

Student took the day off because it's his birthday. IDK, I sort of feel like if I'd failed my qualifier and had a limited amount of time to finish up, I wouldn't just fuck off for a day in the middle of the week. But that's just me.

And even though I'd finished all the experiments for the grant before Bonnaroo, my boss asked me to do three more. Preferably by Friday, because the grant is due July 1, and he'd like the data far enough in advance that he can write about it, give the draft to colleagues, and then edit as necessary before submission. If that's the case, maybe he should have asked me before Thursday afternoon, since two of the experiments are five-day monsters.

/work whinge

+ White Collar. This week's ep? Diana is a badass, y/y/mfy?

+ St. Arnold's Pub Crawl, Saturday. Downtown. I know where I will be!

+ A entered a couple of his beers in a local competition. Their names? Glory Hole Golden Ale and Cock-eyed Porridge (oatmeal stout). I laughed until I cried when he told me what he named them.

family, music, oh life, that's why they pay me the not-so-big $, tv, work rant, alcohol and caffeine mmm, what was i saying again?, spanish armada, rise against

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