
May 12, 2011 14:46

Student reappeared Monday at 1pm, and proceeded to accidentally dump all the cell lysate he was using to make a lab stock of plasmid onto his bench. He then cleaned up the mess and left for the day.

He didn't come in Tuesday.

Wednesday he did another prep. Theoretically he should've done the diagnostic digest and gel then, but he tossed the DNA in the freezer and decided to do that today. (Nice hours he's working, yes?)

Today he ran the digest and the gel, but he fucking MELTED THE GEL UNIT.

I have no idea how he managed it. The gel vanished into the TAE buffer, the bed is warped, and the container is cracked and leaking its coolant.

In nearly twenty years of doing science, all the way back to when I was an inexperienced high school AP Bio student, I have NEVER seen this happen.


I am going to focus on today's happy:

a) it's raining! my lawn won't look quite so brown and sad now!
aa) (and I am not outside in the downpour, unlike last night)
b) live cell imaging worked! the results are not fabulous, but for a first try, the movies are pretty cool.
c) these shoes are on their way to me. thank harriet_vane and my shoe fetish for that.

oh life, /o\, that's why they pay me the not-so-big $, \o/

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