How is it not Friday yet?

Jan 20, 2011 21:12

This week has sucked, work-wise. I've worked 11-12 hour days every day. No such thing as overtime.

As I disembarked from the train this morning I realized I didn't have my office or lab keys (b/c they are on a separate key ring from my car and house keys, and I didn't clip them to my carabiner this morning). Getting into the building isn't an issue; huge, connected labspaces mean getting into lab isn't a problem. Waiting for security to come let me into my office, and then figuring out how to secure everything so I could leave the office unlocked for back-and-forth traffic during the day? Pain in my ass.

I should've just turned around and gone home, because the day did not improve.

At ~6pm, my boss came in and told me that he hoped I was getting out of lab soon (Me, too!) and that I should take a day off when we get the last bit of data for the paper.

He doesn't know it yet, but I am taking next Friday and the following Monday off, whether or not the third replicates work. I HAVE A FLIGHT, A HOTEL, AND PLANS TO CLING TO J AND SEE harriet_vane, among other things.

Anyway, I was waaaaaay cranky. There were further contretemps with Post-Doc W. I think she has radar: she only asks me to help her at the EXACT moment that I can't stop what I'm doing without fucking up my own experiments, and she managed that three (yes, 3) times today.

I'm tired. Tired of work. Tired of winter, in that the days are so short. Tired of being inactive in fandom. But I don't have the energy to participate right now. I fell asleep watching the recorded episode of the other night's White Collar, and I watched last night's Criminal Minds mostly impatiently, hoping that it wasn't implying anything about Reid's behavior over the rest of the season.

The one happy place for the day?

Fernando's match against Janko was pretty epic. I thought for sure he was going to choke. But apparently the fauxhawk has secret powers.

Yeah, I bet you're SHOCKED to see a photo of Rafa here.

He's concentrating really, really hard, okay? (I'm concentrating on his biceps, myself.)

(I just like the way the ball rolls off his fingertips here. Last night the camera guy focused on him as he prepared to serve, and during a break in play they showed it in slow motion. I am easily entertained by such things.)

I was all set to watch Nole's match when I got home tonight, but it was already over! No Nole-stretched-out-like-Gumby for me tonight! (Wine is making up for it.)

So, yeah. I hope your week has been far, far better. What's making you smile, lately?

/o\, that's why they pay me the not-so-big $, cm, tv, pics, i'll take some cheese with my whine, spanish armada

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