Dec 16, 2010 12:28
+ penguin-decorated red knee-socks
+ Professor Joe brought in rum balls to share with friends and colleagues. mmmmm
+ two cool results this week (cross your fingers for the samples I just sent to Harvard for analysis)
+ there's a Stafford/Christeson fic open in a tab at home, waiting to be read when I have time tonight after work
+ the reimbursement check for the CPRIT fees arrived \o/
+ the stand-alone bill repealing DADT has enough votes to avoid Republican filibuster; now the Senate just has to schedule the vote before Congress adjourns
(I am trying very hard not to be all >:/ over the Wikileaks/Espionage Act hearing that's happening right now.)
that's why they pay me the not-so-big $,
what was i saying again?,