Dude. I had every intention of writing up a thoughtful post about ACL Festival weekend and the week's work plus The Constellations' show at Fitzgerald's the other night.
But if you saw
my last tweet, even if you didn't really understand the details, you probably understood that it was Not A Good Thing To Do.
I spent the last hour of work pouring out all the liquid nitrogen and upending the dewar, then trying to keep the samples (cell lines) frozen while I got everything back in order.
FYI, a 60-L dewar full of liquid nitrogen and samples is fucking heavy.
My plan is to exercise until my legs are jelly, watch the new SPN ep, maybe start to read the book that was waiting on the doorstep for me (Nir Rosen's Aftermath: Following the Bloodshed of America's Wars in the Muslim World, which was apparently released a couple of weeks earlier than the original planned date), and drink a great deal of wine. Or beer. Or vodka. Depending on which we have in greatest supply.
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