I am supposed to be doing something chore-related, but the washer and dryer are both full, and the kitchen is still occupied by a crazy man with hops and boiling malt, so I'm doing the icon meme-thing.
harriet_vane picked six icons, and if you comment, I'll pick six of yours to explain. (
:D )
I started a story like that one time, but I only wrote 10 or 15k of college!AU before I gave up. I forgot about that.
Like, Brendon would be SO BORED in whatever intro to composition class he was required to take? And Patrick doesn't mind teaching, but he does not like the fact that 19 of his 20 students are clearly there for an easy passing grade for the music/arts part of the general ed requirements, but he's excited when this term he has this dude who's actually talented, and into it, so discussion/studio sessions go much better than he ever remembers them being before?
I need to find someone who will finish this fic for me. I have a lot of set up! Someone just needs to write all the stuff.
And when the term ends and Patrick no longer has to not hang out with Brendon b/c he's responsible for grading him, Patrick totally takes up Brendon's hanging-out-with-Spencer time, and he complains to Haley, who laughs and says he sounds lovesick. Which he's NOT, because he's not gay (although he admits that if he were, he'd be into Brendon - what, he likes brunettes, okay?), he just, you know, misses his friend. Who has abandoned him just like Ryan did. >:/
And then they fall in LOVE. Also there is a super awkward conversation where Brendon's not sure what they're doing about housing next year and he's afraid to ask Spencer in case Spencer's going to move in with Ryan, so he's been putting it off, but then obviously they are going to come back and be boyfriends in the fall. I don't know. It would have been the World's Longest Story.
I think in my original plan Brendon went off over spring break to build houses for Habitat for Humanity and while he was gone Spencer realized how much he liked him, and when Brendon got back he was all tan, and this girl he'd met on the trip was hanging on him, and Spencer got insanely grumpy and Ryan laughed at him a lot.
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