not one single bone in your back

Jul 19, 2009 19:30

We saw HP & the HBP the other night! I thought it was going to be a regular date night, but it turned out that vic_ramsey and eckerlilas and shutyourface came to the show, too! As a movie (without any prior knowledge of the book), HBP was entertaining. There were things I really enjoyed, like the fact that the kids were really portrayed as teenagers. Draco. Snape, especially his face during the infirmary scene.

But. The whole fascination with the Half-Blood Prince was downplayed - in fact, by the time Snape made his revelation, the Half-Blood Prince had become nothing but part of the title, story-wise. Fenrir's role diminished (was he ever identified other than the Ministry's "wanted" sign?), Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacourt's appearances vanished, Remus & Tonks' relationship sped up by months, and we didn't even get half of Tom Riddle's background. The Battle of Hogwarts was diminished to the happenings on the Tower. There was no Scrimgeour at all. It's been a while since I reread the books (I probably will do so this week) but I thought Ollivander was still around in Book Six, that he didn't go missing until Book Seven. No?

IDK. It's enough to allow the plot to progress, but as a lover of the books, I'm disappointed in the lack of detail.

Ugh. I am so stiff and sore, it's ridiculous. My ribs hurt, and I've bruises on my hips and arms and knees where the crowd surge (and the dude next to me, who thought I was going to give up my spot front and center at the barrier to him just 'cause he overshadowed me by 8 inches and 100 lbs) pushed me against the grated part of the barrier. Screw that. My elbows are pointy and I don't mind using them. Rancid and Rise Against were worth it.

I recorded the AAR performance on Friday's Today show and watched yesterday. Dear Tyson, thanks for giving me all kinds of happy thoughts about you and Nick holed up in a cabin in the woods, maxed out on coffee and wine, to write When the World Comes Down, and for being so ridiculous as to say you have a band logo tattoo in the "chesticle area".

As Tabby has said, I do not understand why there aren't volumes more slash fic on those two.

Who's excited about the new video for Swim? Seriously, I think that song could be the song that describes my life. Also, I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the Pavilion next week to see Jack's Mannequin, even though they're not the headliners and I don't even like The Fray, the headliners.

On that note. Tell me: if you could describe yourself with one song, what would it be?

music, hp, ilu andrew mcmahon, weekend, rise against

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