(no subject)

Jun 24, 2008 10:43

+ Being a homeowner is a drain on the pocketbook and time. Seriously, I yearn for the days when I could just call the landlord or building manager when something went wrong. Now? The siding of the garage needs to be replaced. Not a difficult job, really; we should be able to do it in one weekend. We got the trim down and MrIris refitted a stud so we could widen the door. I think the rest of it is going to have to be done by him and someone else, though. It's better for the state of our marriage that we don't do some things together, and using power tools in small spaces is one of those things.

+ Two postcards arrived in one day! One from the inlaws, who are celebrating their 40th anniversary with a trip to Alaska, and one from a_carnal_mink. Babe, Chuck's behavior with Cammy during his marriage? Totally fits my definition of tacky.

+ Thumbs down for The Incredible Hulk. How did they talk Edward Norton into doing that? Also, dear comic book artists/authors/directors, please to be finding a scientific advisor to explain when your sci-fi surpasses fictional and becomes utterly ludicrous. Somehow Bruce Banner's own brain and blood cells became a gamma radiation source after exposure to a laser? And a single tube of blood can magically be replicated to liters and liters of gamma-containing blood? Your science makes my brain hurt, and it was already reeling from the terrible dialogue and cliches.

+ Stone Temple Pilots this weekend. *cough*

+ Also. Tabby finished the Tom/Jon/Cassie thing that we started as textporn ages ago, and she made it HOT, okay? Go, read 8 x 10. (Warning for girl parts.)

+ Jeremy Scahill on Wednesday. *fangirls again*

postcards, music, flailing, fanfic, movies, bandom, f-love

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