+ I maybe have a wee bit of a fangirl crush on Jeremy Scahill. I'm bummed that he's not coming to Houston on his book tour, and that he'll be in Dallas on a weekday, when I can't get there. I've
talked about Blackwater: The Rise of The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army before, but it's out in paperback now, with ~100 extra pages of additional info, including some about the Nisour Square massacre. Which Blackwater and the Bush administration insist was a response to enemy fire, not an unprovoked killing of 17 civilians, including a 9 yr old boy. Uh-huh.
+ Joe Cocker opened for the Steve Miller Band on Saturday. I have heard more covers of Beatles songs in the last week than in the previous year.
The SMB part was like listening to a mix of their greatest hits and a bunch of blues covers. Except live. Our seats were pretty good, actually, about 10 rows up from the pit, but midway through the show I realized that the people in the pit weren't really short, they were seated.
Seating. In the pit. Which is WRONG WRONG WRONG if it's not an actual orchestra seated there. When I texted Tabby that, she responded that that was 'cause only old people listened to SMB. And it's true, this was the oldest crowd I've ever seen at a not-orchestral concert. But I am not ready to concede to staidness. I prefer to stand.
+ I'm tired of hearing about Sex And The City and "women" making it a hit. I never watched the TV show, and I have no interest in seeing the movie. I don't love/hate/admire/identify with any of the characters. It's not a cultural reference for me at all. I sort of resent the idea that four shallow female characters (who IRL probably wouldn't have been able to afford a single pair of the Jimmy Choo shoes their characters were outfitted in, let alone apartments in Manhattan, on the salaries they earned at jobs that I'm guessing they rarely appeared to DO; wow, maybe I do hate them) represent the modern woman.
+ OMG, my boss is the world's biggest dork. I had an Anti-Flag CD playing in lab, and he asked who it was. When I told him, he joked, "Oh, I bet Sigma makes tons off them."
Um. No. Please tell me you didn't just try to make a science joke out of a punk rock band's name. Please.
FYI: FLAG = epitope tag that Sigma owns the rights to; they sell the only monoclonal antibodies to that tag, and the original vector for cloning it was only available from Sigma.