Oct 31, 2008 11:58
I'm reading about Jacques Roumain for a french presentation I have to give on Monday, but I'd rather be reading for sociology. It's terrible how much I hate french these days.
But I think it really says something when you'd rather be reading about depressing things like how much globalization screws everyone in the world except Western countries and rich people/corrupt governments in poor ones and about sex trafficking than doing anything having to do with French.
I am, however, pleased that Jacques Roumain was a communist. It makes this whole thing just a little bit nicer; I've got the Communist Manifesto off the shelf and I think I'm going to talk a little bit about how the Haitian coumbite is kind of like communism, but on a smaller scale. :)
Also, there is a couple in the library having kind of a loud conversation, and I moved all the way across the library as to not have to listen to it, but it's so empty in here that I can still hear them. I like them, and it's a good conversation, so I don't want to be a jerk. But um, seriously, go somewhere else to talk.
Also, also, I hate that sports teams winning make people really dumb and ridiculous. Like, two days afterward, people are still being dumb.
Also, it is the third year in a row that I am doing nothing for halloween. I think Noah and I are going to carve pumpkins and go in search of costumes for Viking Christmas tomorrow, though, which will be kind of hilarious. Maybe I'll bring my camera. Oh, and I might make pumpkin something tonight while Beth studies for the GREs and I write this french presentation. Guess I should go buy a can of pumpkin. Or maybe I'll stop at the farmer's market and pick up a butternut squash.
Maybe Beth and I should be eskimos for Halloween, since we'll be hanging out in our apartment.
Okay. I am getting nothing done.
Oh, and I like that tara uses tags, so I might start using them. :)
general annoyances,
karl marx!,
procrastination is the thief of time