Jun 17, 2009 19:32
I'm currently trying to decide if my capstone post in the Rage of the Elements: Interlude of Gatherings should be one massive post (OMP?) or split into two very large posts--frankly, my goal is 15,000 words in a single post, covering a large area but all tied together (as opposed to unrelated events linked by being in the same post) by area and time. At 4,000 I am still only in the lead-up phase of the post, with the 4,000 mostly either talking or stuff happening, and no overly complicated action sequences.
In many ways, RotE is the big Mecha story of the Tpverse, its great big battle of giant robots, and so I've been drawing my references from multiple sources, while at the same time explaining the machines themselves. Additionally RotE is what I used to call the tpverse World Tour, in which most of the story takes place far from tokyo and instead explores the rest of the world. So far this has revealed the existence of UNEC (United Nations Evolutionary Council, which appeared as early as Spring Fling and Tournament Thing), UNPF (UN Police Forces, created as part of the post-GD centralization of global power and unification, predicted back in Tp2032), UNIS (UN Intelligence Service), ECHELON (a Dept. of Homeland Security agency that tackles Occult and Arcane matters), MI13 (British Occult Counter Intelligence), and MI19 (Dept. of Historical Revisionism) among others, counterparts to Tokyo's defunct Cataclysm Division. I've also been pulling out characters from way's back, or following up on ideas mentioned a long time ago.
While I work on the post, I am released spit-shined FTP! Act 1 posts to keep a steady pace.
rage of the elements,
fairytale panic!,