Jan 08, 2011 20:06
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has routinely used insane rhetoric with language evoking shooting and reloading and killing. Whether or not she intended this to be merely symbolic, it has had horrific consequences. She must not be allowed to dodge responsibility for the consequences of her words.
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You must mean this harsh political climate.
Both sides play this dirty, but there's a double standard on how people talk about it and report it. It gets tiresome, after a while, and less and less believable.
Oh, and the graphic was removed after the election, since, well, the election was over and all and it was unnecessary. It's been down for two months.
And the graphic is simply wrong; conservatives have lost their moral compass... if they ever had one.
Huh. Interesting.
Okay, let's see if I have this straight.
Still, the right keeps talking about "personal responsibility" for other people, and are moral relativists when it comes to their own hate speech.
You can't have an adult conversation with children.
Ah, the right can dish it out, but it can't take it.
... conservatives have lost their moral compass... if they ever had one.
Okay, so that's opinion, pointlessly judgmental opinion, opinion, and snarky opinion.
You're about a half a tic - and yes, this is opinion, also, but I'm willing to freely admit it - from a statement along the lines of "I don't like conservatives because they're poopyheads."
And this is the problem. We've lost the ability to differentiate between the personal and the political. I've known Matthew for years, and consider him a good friend. We differ on many political aspects - though less than he might think; I'm a libertarian and am therefore socially liberal and fiscally conservative - but I value his friendship highly and would go to the wall for him. And him for me, I think.
But more and more we seem to have a hatred for anyone who disagrees with us in any way whatsoever. If someone has an opinion different from ours, it's not because they might have a different world view but because they're wrong, wrong at the core of their being. We must hate them, and we must fight them with any tools in our possession. The ends, as the saying goes, justifies the means.
And you know what? I'm tired of that. If you're willing to discuss the matter as a rational human being, and to believe that someone who disagrees with you is doing so not because they're evil or stupid or... oh, fill in the blank. Not because of that, but just because they think their opinions have validity, and if you're willing to accept that and try to discuss rather than accuse, then we can talk.
Until then, as far as I can tell, there's nothing more we can say to one another.
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