Then, later, and now

Aug 22, 2009 21:27

About three years ago I published the following juxtaposition of photos here:

This is, of course, the famous Norman Rockwell painting illustrating the First Amendment right to free speech. A man is speaking at a public gathering, while those around him listen respectfully, or at least courteously.

This photo is from a staged "Town hall meeting" event in April 2006, given as they always were in those days with an audience screened for loyalty to the administration. Only on this occasion, a man named Harry Taylor, a member of MoveOn, somehow got through the screening process; and when he was called to speak, he made remarks critical of President George W. Bush. He was shouted down by the audience. Note particularly the hooting woman seated next to Mr. Taylor.

To the above two images, I now add a third. President Obama spoke at a Town hall meeting in Montana last week, to what appeared to be a largely sympathetic audience. One of the members of the public who spoke was a Randy Rathie, who identified himself as a proud member of the NRA, and who said that he was skeptical of the funding of the proposed healthcare reforms. Note that the audience is listening respectfully, or at least courteously.

The fact that Rockwell's speaker and Mr. Taylor are facing to the viewer's left, while Mr. Rathie faces to the viewer's right, is just happenstance.


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