I posted something similar to this in the
asperger community, but it also seems to apply to those on my friends list, would be interested in feedback, so I'm posting this to my own LJ's as well.
How many interests do you have listed?
Do you find the upper limit of 150 interests annoying?
If you want to share what those interests are, that would be wonderful too!
For those who don't want to open the cut, I have lots of interests (117,150 and 150)and yes, I find the limit frustrating.
teddybearsuenot used much these days Interests 117: aboriginal, aboriginal spirituality, abuse, academia, acceptance, acquired brain injury, activism, adoption, affection, antidepressants, antiracism, anxiety, art, bear making, bisexuality, bobbin lace, books, brain damage, breakdowns, butch, celestine prophecy, charities, child abuse, children, chronic fatigue syndrome, computers, counselling, crafts, crisis, crisis support, deafness, depression, deprivation, disability, diversity, dollhouses, domestic violence, drag kings, dykes, education, ethics, family, fantasy, feminism, fibromyalgia, first peoples, freedom, ftm, gay, gay rights, gay/straight alliance, gender, genderbending, genderblending, genderfucking, genderqueer, genetic research, genetics, glbt, glbt violence, glbtiq, guitar, html, indigenous, intelligence, kids, language, learning, lesbian, libraries, literature, love, magic, medical research, melbourne, miniatures, music, native americans, open-mindedness, parenting, peace, philosophy, photography, pictures, poetry, poetry therapy, pride, pro-choice, psychogenic hearing loss, psychology, queer, radical theory, rainbow flags, rainbows, reading, reincarnation, science fiction, scifi, scrapbooking, sewing, sf, singing, sociology, spirituality, suicide prevention, teddies, trans, trans activism, transgender, transsexual, true spirit, used book stores, websites, wolves, women, woodwork, writing.
asimont main LJ 150: aboriginal, aboriginal spirituality, abuse, academia, acceptance, acquired brain injury, activism, adoption, affection, alternative parenting, anne mccaffrey, anthropology, antidepressants, antiracism, anxiety, archaeology, art, asimov, aspergers, autism, bear making, bisexuality, bobbin lace, books, bookworm, brain damage, breakdowns, butch, capd, celestine prophecy, charities, child abuse, children, christian, chronic fatigue syndrome, community, computers, counselling, crafts, creative writing, crisis, crisis support, cross stitch, culture studies, deafness, depression, deprivation, disability, diversity, dollhouses, domestic violence, drag kings, dreaming, dreamweaver, dykes, education, ethics, exiles, family, fantasy, feminism, fibromyalgia, first peoples, folk art, foster care, freedom, ftm, gay, gay rights, gay/straight alliance, gender, genderqueer, genetics, glbt, glbt violence, glbtiq, glbtiqa, graphics, gryffindor, guitar, hfa, hobbiton, hogwarts, html, ideas, indigenous, intelligence, kd lang, kids, language, languages, learning, lesbian, libraries, literature, lord of the rings, love, magic, melbourne, miniatures, music, mythology, native americans, open-mindedness, parenting, peace, philosophy, photography, pictures, poetry, poetry therapy, post traumatic stress disorder, pride, pro-choice, psychology, ptsd, queer, radical theory, rainbow flags, rainbows, reading, reincarnation, sci fi, science fiction, scifi, scrapbooking, sewing, sf, singing, sociology, spirituality, suicide prevention, talking, teddies, traci harding, trans, trans activism, trans issues, transgender, transminds, transsexual, true spirit, tssupport, used book stores, web pages, websites, wolves, women, woodwork, writing.
xxasimont More private entries, mostly friends-locked. Interests 150: aboriginal, abuse survivors, acceptance, activism, adult toys, affection, anthropology, antiracism, archaeology, art, aspergers, autism, b&d, bargain hunting, bdsm, bears, bi, bioethics, bisexuality, bisexuals, blindfolds, bondage, books, bookworm, butch, caring, cats, children, communication, compassion, computers, country music, crafts, creative writing, creativity, d/s, disability, diversity, diy, domestic violence, dominance & submission, dominant, drag kings, dragkings, dragqueens, drawing, dykes, education, erotica, experimentation, family, fantasies, fantasy, first peoples, floggers, freedom, friendship, ftm, gay, gay rights, gender, gender identity, genderqueer, genetics, glbt, glbt violence, glbtiq, glbtiqa, guitar, homosexual, homosexuality, honesty, html, hugs, ideas, improvisation, information, ingenuity, intelligence, knives, language, learning, leather, lesbian, libraries, linguistics, love, magic, medical research, melbourne, mtf, music, mythology, open-mindedness, painting, peace, philosophy, photography, pictures, poetry, poly, polyamoury, post traumatic stress disorder, power exchange, pride, projects, psychology, queer, rainbow flags, rainbows, reading, relationships, respect, safe words, sci fi, scrapbooking, sensation, sensation play, sex, sexuality, singing, sixth sense, sociology, switches, switching, talking, tattoos, teasing, testosterone, tg, thrift stores, top, toys, trans, trans activism, trans issues, transgender, transgendered, transsexual, true spirit, trust, ts, understanding, unicorns, witches, wolves, women, woodwork, writing, writing..