Dec 01, 2011 23:50
Hi, December!
I am trying to find a vaguely sane way of regarding you and not succeeding at it very much. There are so very many things I want to get done, and I am not so very good at getting things done, so aaaah!
The problem is that there is not so very much money. So I am simultaneously trying to do a lot of handmade holiday presents in order to save money, and scrambling for ways to make money, including looking for jobs (I'm currently embroiled in a lengthy interview process for one that would be awesome if I got it), trying to get dance gigs, trying to get tutoring gigs... etc etc. So so many things to do. And so many interesting kinds of internal resistance.
I'm really just hoping my creativity will keep me going and that I will remember to have as much fun with the parts of this that are capable of being fun.