Top 15 Creepiest Things In Silent Hill

Oct 22, 2010 18:28

Since Halloween is coming up I decided to celebrate by creating a top 15 countdown of the creepiest things in the Silent Hill games. The countdown is a little bigger because Silent Hill is a very creepy game and even now I most certainly didn't get everything especially considering that I limited myself only to games 2-4, since those, in my oppinion are the best ones. In any case here's my list of the creepiest moments in Silent Hill.

15. Static
-It's a common thing for a Silent Hill game to give you a radio. This item is carried around for the sole purpose of emmitting static whenever a creature is around. This is not very frightening in linear corridors, but it does get quite unnerving when your on the street surrounded by fog and about a dozen different directions and are hearing static bursts every fifteen seconds. Because Silent Hill prefers to close you in with darkness and fog, it's impossible to tell where the creature is and even if it's close to you or not.

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14. The Hanging Men Puzzle From Silent Hill 2
-Actually we may as well just broaden this out to the puzzles in general, since there are some creepy ones, but this one stands out especially to me. The idea is that there are two rooms, one with corpses, all hung for a specific reason and one with empty nooses. You have to figure out which corpse is the right one and pull the right noose to complete the puzzle or else there are consequences.

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13. Angela's Daddy aka Abstract Daddy aka Table Monster from Silent Hill 2
-Okay so table monster isn't an official term. He just looks kind of like a table to me. One common thing in Silent Hill is that it tends to manipulate the psychology of the characters involved. Angela is clearly a little off as it is, but in this creepy scene James gets into a fight with her 'father' or perhaps Silent Hill's freakish projection of her father, who abused and/or violated her. I honestly find Angela a little creepy as it is without having to deal with this monstrosity.

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12. The Fairy Tale Monster From Silent Hill 3
-I'm not sure why this thing creeps me out so much, it isn't as if it does anything. It just kind of blocks the hallway. It doesn't even look like a monster. It looks kind of like a bunch of weird fabric and meat hanging from the wall, but for some reason I find this whole part of the game really unsettling. It may be in part because it really isn't all that recognizeable and maybe a little bit because it doesn't do anything too. I find it far more creepy when somethign might be getting ready to attack you then when it actually does it. The idea here is that you have to find the lost pages of a fairy tale in order to get rid of the fairy tale monster and proceed down the hall. Unfortunately I could not find a video.

11. Leonard from Silent Hill 3
-This is kind of the same idea as with Angela's dad, except more involved. Leonard here is Claudia's father. Heather picks up a call from him intended for Claudia herself. Heather is able to convince Leonard that she is not Claudia and is in fact trying to stop her, so he suggests that they meet in person, because he's been trying to stop her too. This here, kids, is proof that you should never agree to meet someone you've only talked to on the phone.

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10. Descent Into Hell From Silent Hill 3
-Although I feel like Silent Hill 2 is a better balanced game, there were things that SH3 did that I really liked. One thing was how it handled the transition between worlds. Ending up in a creepy dark world is even scarier when you can see remnants in it of the world you left because at this point there's no escape. This is the very first time Heather descends into the dark universe.

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9. The Bug Room From Silent Hill 2
- The first warning bells go off when your given flashlight batteries, because that suggests that at some point you may need them. And lo and behold, after walking into this tiny room and picking up the key on the floor your flashlight dies, oh...and the door is locked behind you. Comforting. No problem, you have batteries, right? Just put them in and holy crap there's bugs all over the walls! Where the hell did these things come from!? In order to get out of this room you have to punch a code into the keypad by the door, which you cannot do without your flashlight on, but the minute you turn it on the bugs attack you, so it takes some careful planning. Oh, Silent Hill you cruel mistress. Also, the video I'm including is part of a walkthrough. I adore this guys reaction. Me thinks someone has a bug phobia.

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8. The Sticky Room From Silent Hill 3
-Same thing, but in my oppinion a little creepier, also you don't get anything out of it, so it's basically just a trap. The sticky room is actually the storeroom in the hospital. Same deal, the door locks behind you the minute you go through. There's a large mirror and a sink in the room and after a while the other side of the mirror starts changing and some strange black liquid starts coming out from the drain and spreads throughout the room and everything get's fleshy and gross looking and your image in the mirror freezes. Once the door behind you gets covered over by the weird fleshy stuff you can open it and then if you can remember which room it was you never have to go into it again unless you just like the effects. Don't stick around too long though, Heather's health gets sapped pretty quickly.

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7. Watch What You Eat from Silent Hill 3
-All right, Claudia, that's just gross. Heather spends all of Silent Hill 3 with a locket her father gave her for her birthday. It's finally used at the end of the game when she's about to give birth to 'god.' She opens the locket and there's something red inside and she eats it. This causes her to puke up a strange tiny fetus thing, which Claudia then eats. disgusting. This is not how babies are born, kids.

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6. Reocurring Dream from Silent Hill 4: The Room
-Or actually just the premise for this game in general. Dreams where you keep waking up into another dream is already unsettling without adding being somehow locked in your apartment from the inside, being cut off from the outside world, getting strange letters ushed under your door and the hole in your bathroom wall that leads to another dimension. And this is before things start coming out of your walls and everything gets possessed.

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5. Joseph Schreiber From Silent Hill 4: The Room
-The last occupant of this room before you, apparently Joseph went through the same thing you are currently going through now. Throughout the game you get mysterious letters from him which are meant to help you stop Walter, despite the fact that Joseph apparently vanished several years prior. Towards the end of the game you finally get to meet him. And wow...time has not been his friend. This part of the game creeped me out mainly because it's just so bizarre.

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4. Robbie
-He's in every Silent Hill game and he does nothing except sit there and look suspicious. Robbie is almost like the mascot for Silent Hill and even though he hasn't struck yet, I still wouldn't let my guard down. I'm watching you, bunny. There's a link to a clip from SH4 here. Again, the guy in this video has a fantastic reaction.

3. Twin Victims From Silent Hill 4: The Room
- I've never found the monsters in Silent Hill to be particularly creepy after that first time you see them, mainly because there's only about five different kinds in each game and for the most part they're easy to get rid of. These things creep me the hell out though. They're these massive hulking creatures with two infant faces and long arms and hands. You can be running down a hall and suddenly, there they are, just standing there, completely still and pointing at you, then, with no warning as you approach they'll rush forward.

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This right here is actually a somewhat funny and somewhat cruel trick Silent Hill plays on you at this point in the game. This hallway does a Wonka and actually gets smaller as you go down, so when you see all of those twin victims at the end of the hall you panic, but in reality they're about half the size of the regular ones. This is why they're so easy to beat. Six full sized Twin Victims would most likely rofl stomp you.
2. Valtiel From Silent Hill 3
-He pops up everywhere in this game, although you may or may not notice it. Valtiel may actually be trying to help you to ensure the birth of the god. (Which I not so much helping you as it is Claudia) It's up for debate. I think the creepiest place you find him as at the end of one of the halls cranking a torture wheel while a couple of legs dangle above him with bodies that somehow stretch all the way up to the cieling, but he crawls around in walls, you see him in that elevator scene I had further up in the post, he sometimes appears during the Game Over screens and that was him who pulled Claudia down after she ate the 'god' fetus. Well, whatever he's trying to do, he's damn creepy.

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This scene starts off with the elevator again but this is actually all of the places he shows up.

1. Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2
-I love this guy. Pyramid head is supposed to symbolize James' sexual frustration and guilt. You spend most of the game avoiding him, which is easy enough because he's slow moving and you can hear him a mile away because he's always dragging that massive sword, but there's something about that sound of steel on steel that inspires fear. The only downside is that the boss fight with him is kind of dissapointing. Then there's this clip. Yes, he is doing EXACTLY what you think he is.

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So that is my top 15 creepiest things abotu Silent Hill. Have a great Halloween!

silent hill, pyramid head, valtiel, robbie

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