Suck it

May 09, 2006 21:16

School's done done done, so now I will concentrate all my worries on finding a job. I swear the more I stress about it, the harder it is to do anything about.

I need to win the lottery or have low standards. Either or. Right now, I have applied at only a few places, but in this day and age, you don't just turn in an application and get a call for an must turn the app in, call back and check on it, then come in and do shit, then call back a few days later, and then wait for them to call you, but then they don't and oh, you call them again I guess, and make the place think you're a psycho, so basically you'll be perfect for the job. Well that's how it is with Ruby Tuesday atleast. I was supposed to get a call back Monday or Tuesday about setting an interview up with them. No call. Now I'm confused about what I do. I just want to get a job. The thought of this consumes me all day. I just wonder what I'll be consumed with when I get a job...assuming that I will.

I have not been doing anything interesting enough to update about, but you know what? I'm going to anyway.  I've been in Lake Orion since Friday, and of course I've been bored as heck while being home.  I have just been doing housewife tasks such as cooking and cleaning and laundry.   Hell, I started myspace just because I was so damn bored. Now I check it all the time and I think about how boring my life is, why am I checking this shit? Oh, cool, a lesbian wants to be friends with me, guess I'll deny them along with and some shitty band I've never heard of.   So far the most entertaining part about that website is the ridiculous glittery pictures you can post on other people's comment pages... that and marijuana related pictures, both of which I've been taking full advantage of.  The novelty has already worn off.

Seeing both the brothers is kinda nice.  It's better to see them for weeks at a time rather than to live with them.  I can't believe my baby brother is graduating this year!  Seems like just yesterday I was embarassed to be seen with him at the bus stop when he was a lil baby 1st grader.  My my we're all growing up, and it sucks.

I just remembered that people were going to JD's tonight, damn I shoulda done that.  Ok, well anyway I've caught up with a few LO friends while being here, tight.  After Mother's Day I will journey back up to Mt. Pleasant for the summer.  People must visit me there.  My 21st birthday is now approx 15 days away.  I still have no idea how I am celebrating this other than the general plan to get crunk.

I am done with school until Monday.
I do not have a job.
I am bored all the time.
I eat my weight in junk food every day.
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