Oct 30, 2004 15:00
.. I believe in Lassez-Faire Economics. Lassez-Faire Economics is the belief that the economy works best when untouched by the federal government. I believe that natural order trends secure the individual. I also believe in the business cycle. The business cycle is the fluctuations in the economy. It goes up and peaks, then comes back down.
I believe in the right to life. I believe every single human has to right the live. I believe that nobody has the right to terminate an unborn child without just cause. I believe the only just-cause for termination is the risk to maternal health and/or the risk to fetal health. Life is not a game in which you can hit the "reset" button when you make mistakes. You must accept the responsibilities for your actions and even the consequences.
I believe in hard work, dedication and rewards for accomplishing them. I believe that when you work hard you deserve to earn more money. I believe equal rewards come with equal responsibility. Equality is not tipping the playing field, equality is a level playing field. I believe all men are created equal, but their output is not. I believe that you should be rewarded for excellency and punished for the lack there of.
I believe in less Federal Government. I believe that states and the people should hold more rights than the federal government. I believe the federal government's only job is to secure our borders, protect us from foreign and domestic threats and to provide to it's citizens only what the citizen cannot do for themself. I do not believe in free-handouts from the federal government, nor do I believe it takes a village to raise a child. I believe that you work for yourself and your loved ones, nobody else. I believe that the only time the federal government should provide assistance is when a citizen CANNOT do for themself.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill Of Rights which strictly says "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." With that said, I believe it is every American's right to bear arms. I believe in regulated gun laws, but most certainly not strict ones.
I believe that the Republican party is the party of the people. The Republican party was formed for the people and so shall it remain that way.
That is what makes me a conservative Republican. While there are more, those are the primary reasons.