Jun 03, 2005 16:45
Hey i havent updated in a while so im not gonna try to tell you what happend since the last update. Yesterday was kinda fun i hung out with some people i know and some i didnt. there was at least 10 people in my house though which was kewl ( well my mom didnt think so ( olivia shut up lol))
And then me and jared hung out at his house. We had pizzas, Dr. Pepper , and choclate cokkie dough ice cream. that was awesome. I HAVENT HAD MUSIC, A GIRL, OR MCDONALDS IN FOREVER! I feel like im incomplete.... =( i miss my mcdonalds.... o well i gusse i can do.
I need a job so i can get some Bling Bling.
so ya yall cmnt ya here?