Drabble: History According to Poland

Mar 18, 2009 22:39

Pairing: Poland/Lithuania

Rating: PG

Warnings: Countries. Personified. You dun like? Steer clear.

Summary: Poland gives a puppet show.

Author's Notes: Continuing the effort to be able to find my own fics, this is another I wrote for hetalia_kink. The request was for Poland/Lithuania, with them playing with puppets.


History According to Poland


“This is, like, totally normal for me,” said Russia, and half a glass of ice cubes fell on his head. “You wanna pick a fight in winter? I’m gonna be like, ‘Oh my god, are you thinking?’”

In reply, Germany stooped and picked up one of the chunks of ice in his mouth. It was a poor fit, and his cheeks swelled with the effort. Without a word, he spit it at the larger nation; the ice flew in a perfect arc to strike Russia’s right eye. It was a direct hit, and the eye teetered uncertainly for a moment before it came off, a purple button spinning to the floor.

Russia turned to stare at it, face comically near, with the only one that remained to him. “Oh no, you didn’t. You are gonna be way sorry for that.” And with no further word of warning, he scooped up the eye in his own mouth and proceeded to beat Germany into a shapeless mass on the floor.

Poland withdrew his hand from the crumpled form of Germany and, free of the puppet, reached out to snatch up a piece of ice; he popped it casually into his mouth to suck on it. “So that’s, like, the second World War,” he concluded, and used the same hand, fingers still wet, to ruffle Sealand’s hair. “Next how bout that time me and Liet took Moscow? 1610 was way cool, oh my god.”

The blonde turned to grin at his partner, the smile a mischievous flash of teeth. “Remember that? And before the siege started I, like, totally did you on Russia’s-”

Lithuania squawked and clapped his hands over Sealand’s ears. And privately, he resolved never to babysit again- no matter how much Finland begged.

Historical note: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth troops held Moscow from September 27, 1610 to November 4, 1612, after a series of invasions of Russia, who was weak due to the ongoing Times of Troubles. Eventually, they were driven out by a siege.
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