Disco-chan..? Ah... she.. ran.
[That's the first you hear of the audio before some general movement noises. Well, Japan is louder now as he speaks-- but he sounds more than a bit tired.]
Everyone, please listen to what I am saying..! Either there is a new monster, or... ah... [silence for some reason. he does sound urgent, but he must be out of breath or something...
he continues afterward.] Regardless.. I was merely taking a walk, and-- ...I have never seen such a thing appear there before...
So please... stay away from-- [oh. there's a light thump noise and it cuts out.]
(Yesss, this is part of the
angel plot. Ace is going to be the one to find and help Japan, but everyone is welcome to comment! Replies to all others will come significantly delayed. Also, if anyone wants to find Discedo (the cat), then just say so in your title message. She'll have a pretty nasty scratch on one side, but that's all.
As for Ace, you can just comment looking for Japan and I'll describe where he is/his condition jklgsjkfd.)