sorry for this...

Jul 05, 2007 21:26

Okay I got this idea because sometimes I see people asking for their friends to contribute a couple bucks to their paypal accounts because they want a new phone because theirs broke or something.

Well as a lot of my friends father (and BFF) has been in the hospital for about two months... and has been getting dialysis 3 times a week. Because he was in for so long he is no longer able to walk. so after they discharged him he had to go to a live-in rehab place to learn to walk. He has been there for one week. Today was his third time denying dialysis. Once this happens they usually give you anywhere from a week to two months (if his body gets rid of any toxins) to live.

Anyway as of now the rehab place said they are going to call Hospice. I really want to spend some time with my dad if this is really going to happen but I am so financially screwed right now that I still haven't paid my rent. So there is no way I could afford ANY time off.

I was thinking maybe a couple bucks here and there on paypal might help me fund a couple days off to spend with my dad.

Here is the link if you are feeling giving: (my email on paypal is
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