Aug 22, 2004 15:23
okay dudes, new information on this medical situation.. I had two seizures the other day and they were interesting beyond belief. I always thought that you blacked out and then shook or something, and then when you were done people told you what happened. well apparently that is true for SOME seizures but not all. So I am not sure why but I really want to tell everyone about what it was like because it really made me realize just how incredible the brain can be sometimes. For the first one I was laying there in the dark trying to fall asleep but every time i would open my eyes everything in my room would bounce, so i started getting a little nervous. Then I thought I saw a black shadow walking around my room, I looked down at my bed, and then my hearing all went away and a really loud humming began, totally creepy sounding. all of my vision got really dark and then I started glowing this really crazy white aura, really bright, I felt like my body floated above the bed just slightly, no matter what i did i couldnt yell or move, i tried really hard to do so though, Then in my mind i was like "holy shit okay.. I am dying right now and this sucks a little because i always thought it would be less scary." then my body felt like it went back down, the glowing stopped, the humming stopped, and then i could move my arms. I then yelled for my mom and told her that i thought i just died! haha. Tyler walked in and i explained to him about how i just died..obviously not the case but i didnt know what happened. they kept trying to tell me that i was probably just dreaming, but i knew that wasnt the case. okay then at 3am (this one was less interesting) I was laying in bed again, lost my hearing, heard a drumming and then a crazy yelling (also they said most of that is because the bleed is in my temporal lobe, which has your auditory sensory in it so thats why my hearing goes crazy) instead of really seeing anything interesting my body just felt really weird and once again i tried to yell and move but it didnt work, then i regained my movement, and hearing, and speech, and told tyler and my mom what happened, once again they thought i was dreaming. Well I ended up going to the emergency room later and they did a catscan, I was allergic to the medication they sent me home on, and so my brain was just really swollen causing those two seizures. They switched my medication and my brain feels less swollen now, but they said it will keep my really out of it and dizzy for several days, which i definitely am used to by now anyway.
I know this story might not have been that interesting, but I really just wanted to tell everyone for whatever reason. I knew the brain could do some crazy stuff but it never really hit me until it all actually happened, it was such a crazy experience/vision. man the brain is just so intense!