Mar 14, 2010 17:43
The Tripod, upon which the priestess sat who delivered the oracles, stood in the innermost sanctuary of the Temple*, called το αντρον, 941 (the cave), αδυτον, 825 (adytum), or μυχος, 1,310 (recess). [...] The third number is the numerical equivalent of Tetragrammaton, and anthropos (a man).
The Canon, William Stirling p. 310
* The Temple of Apollo at Delphi
Of course Stirling is using colel as TETRAGRAMMATON = τετραγραμματον = 1311, one more than 1310. A weak connection of tetragrammaton, meaning fourfold name or word, to our four fold Bornogo at the center of liber loagaeth. Though a very useful connection to mychos.