01) Kim knows... the governor of California.
02) Kim knows... about the baby.
03) Kim knows... that.
04) Kim knows... how he feels about all the birthdays and anniversaries.
05) Kim knows... Sandra.
06) Kim knows... the capital of Vermont.
07) Kim knows... her limits.
08) Kim knows... something that Pat needs.
09) Kim knows... that she oozes sexuality.
10) Kim knows... what the large city in Vermont is -- Burlington. (WTF is up with Vermont?!)
01) Kim needs to... take off the gloves.
02) Kim needs to... take a page out of her book and go on and get her ass a gun.
03) Kim needs to... talk.
04) Kim needs to... shut up.
05) Kim needs to... go.
06) Kim needs to... meet with her executive social comittee and the alumni in order to discuss this in greater detail.
07) Kim needs to... sit da f#*k down & shut da f#*k up, cos we ALL KNO dat Puffy ditcher her. (OR DID HE?!)
08) Kim needs to... give herself away one las time to the right man -- Jesus Christ.
09) Kim needs to... be "thanked."
10) Kim needs to... advertise Midnight Donuts and look into possible places for formal.
01) Kim wants... the lighter and whiter Michael Jackson look.
02) Kim wants... to rule all Korea.
03) Kim wants... our attention.
04) Kim wants... stuff.
05) Kim wants... nuclear bombs.
06) Kim wants... to open a window to the world.
07) Kim wants... all of our events and associated blogs, etc.
08) Kim wants... to be a veterinarian when she grows up because she loves animals. (YES!!)
09) Kim wants... to party.
10) Kim wants... to meet 2 people.
01) Kim likes... girls.
02) Kim likes... Paris.
03) Kim likes... to stage surprises, not recieve them.
04) Kim likes... lox.
05) Kim likes... Mary better than Betty.
06) Kim likes... Kim.
07) Kim likes... Sandy.
08) Kim likes... drinking to excess at the hospital bar and often challenges her friends to drinking games.
09) Kim likes... to write poems.
10) Kim likes... it.
01) Kim loves... springtime!!!
02) Kim loves... Versace.
03) Kim loves... cooking and was excited by the thought of her new kitchen.
04) Kim loves... her fans.
05) Kim loves... movies and opera.
06) Kim loves... to sing and play her fiddle.
07) Kim loves... food.
08) Kim loves... Sandy.
09) Kim loves... working with kids.
10) Kim loves... Jason oh so very much. (and I didn't have to make that one up!)