Greetings and a teeny request

Aug 12, 2010 16:16

Hello all!

Just wanted to quickly introduce myself on this rather shibby community which, for some reason, had escaped my notice until now. I also, somewhat shamefully, would like to ask for some assistance from you. It's awful when someone comes along and immediately wants something, isn't it? Rest assured though I'll be contributing (hopefully coherently) to the community at a later date; once my life is no longer being eaten by an MA, I'll have the chance to talk to people and everything. They might even let me out the house!

Anyways. I was wondering if anybody in this community is a native Korean speaker, or knows any native Korean speakers. I would like (=desperately need) to find some people to partake in a study I'm doing, for the aforementioned MA. Essentially it's a short list of Korean words that I would like your input on. Doesn't sound like much, but my entire dissertation is to be about the results, once I am able to get them.

Any help on this would be greatly, muchly appreciated. It's been amazingly hard to find any speakers (Korea does exist, right? Or have I been severely misled?) and once I do the study, I can get on with the writing and stop freaking out about the deadline.

Many kimchi-flavoured thanks,
The Captain

X-posted ad verbatim to linguaphiles.

korean, language learning and testing

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