Jul 21, 2004 17:05
Well droogs it's been a few since an update. Mostly done nothing but watch a couple movies to report on. Ishy should be out here on the 29th of August which should really be cool, looking forward to seeing her again. She is a cool chickie and fun, but it will be cool seeing how we can play scrabble, instead of literati on yahoo, and I can get her hiiiiighh, which she hasn't done in years. Been hanging out With Nika and chilling watching TV and shtuff. She's a cool compadre too. As far as the movies seen Spidey 2 which was pretty damn cool , with breathtaking special effects and fight sequences shaming even those that shone throughout the first movie. Also saw Anchorman which was pretty fuckin funny. Not as funny as I thought it was gonna be but funny none the less. Work is ass busting but it still brings a sense of accomplishment to the end of my day.
I got to talk to Jen about a week ago who is supposed to call me for coffee, (Jen if You are reading this , CALL ME FOR COFFEE =P) and she is gonna be moving back to Ohio. It was good to see her again considering I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since November and it was really good. She is doing well and looking forward to going back and being with friends and family, and I am really happy for her and I hope the best and that all works out for her. Maybe she just wasn't meant for CA, but she will be back with Maddie Moo and bring the girl up right unlike her dad and Rosa. =D Well I am hungry and I need to get some grub so I am out, signing off, beep.