It's been a while

Nov 14, 2005 13:29

So I know that I'm just terrible at updating my LJ. I check it about every other day or so, but seem to never have anything new to say. That and I have like maybe 2 or 3 people who actually read my LJ. So an update for you 2-3 people...

As some of you may or may not know I moved back home with my parents to help them out while my dad battles cancer. I have been back since the end of March and pretty much hate it here. I now know why I moved out of this town. The upside to being back here is that I have actually met a few good people in the community and have been getting more into LGBT scene here. There is ONE club event here on Wed and other than that there is nothing to do. I am definitely looking forward to moving back into my own space and being able to do what I want without worrying if my parents are going to throw a shit fit because I didn't come home without telling them first.

I've had to deal with a few stressful situations of which are finally sorting out. I did realize that I do need to get into therapy though. That unfortunately will have to wait until I move back and get my old job again for I am without medical insurance and the pro bono work they do here is a long wait. Due to the stress I have been dealing with I have found out that I have lost about 20 lbs or so. My weight has been fluctuating quite a bit. But for the past week or so I have been at a steady 109. So for being only 5'2" 109 isn't terribly bad, but with my body shape I could stand to gain a few more pounds.

I am moving back up to Sacramento in January, so I am definitely looking forward to that. I will actually be up there around or after Christmas time to find a place. Hopefully when I move up there things will fall into place for me and I'll be happy again. But until then I'll just have to wait it out.

And if things couldn't get any more boring for you all I'm going to post some emo-poetry. Maybe I should start wearing all black and dye my hair really dark and be so forlorn that I can't possibly ever have a good time unless i'm writing poetry or listening to bad music.


Nicotine and caffeine coursing through my veins
Gouge out my amygdala to relieve me of this pain
Life goes on
And I stay strong
Whilst parts of me die
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