Dokkiri? Again?

Mar 30, 2008 12:04

Shiget Together. 2008.03.30
3 years, 155 broadcasts.
Usually, about 400~500 mails arrive, today, about 1000 were sent in.
Everyone was really encouraging.
Since he always whispers this at the end, it was the last 「おやすみ」...
Last one.
Good job, Shige. All this time. =)

Massu said on Master Hits 2008.03.28 that the new Tegomass song was 『かわいい感じ』.
A cute feeling...then it must be another cute song. For such an anime, though? XD
I'm really excited for that and also NEWS's SUMMER TIME. :) Yay!
Then, a mail was sent in asking if he saw Kurosagi yet. D:
'Kurosagi. Ano...haven''ll go see it after this!'
*bonks Massu on the head* D:<

maoling was sooo great and agreed to translate this small ItteQ! clip~<3
Because I wanted to put my little spare time to use; It's ero!Tegoshi appearance on TV...again...XD

★ 2008.03.09
☆ Preview

☆ File Info: 17.5MB, 1m41s
☆ Download [SS] Others can be found at TM forums!
☆ Translated by
maoling, thank you so much dear! ^___^ ♥

I'm going through hell...I have a ton of testing coming up in addition to normal school.
And btw, can you believe it's almost April?! (I feel like just last post or a couple ago, I said I couldn't believe it was March...)
So. Freaking. Horrible. >___> Omfg.
Everyone is busy. Yah. Work hard, okay?

Which basically means I'm contradicting myself because I stayed up last night after a day of nothingness as usual and watched  Neoki Dokkiri from Kanjani8's 47 DVD. For the billionth time. When my dad burst into my room 1 o'clock in the morning and I sat there laughing like a maniac...well...I didn't know what else to say. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE? D:

junior!Massu...( * ω * )

In Hawaii, all he wanted to do was eat at restaurants when there was no work. XD 

shiget together, tv:世界の果てまでイッテQ!, .download/media, radio:増田貴久のMASTER HITS, .translation, `masuda takahisa, personal, `tegoshi yuya, `kanjani8, `kato shigeaki

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