Title: autistic behavior
Rating: pg-13 for now
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin, mentions of others
Disclaimer: I do not have any possession over any or these men. Or am I associated with them in any way. This story is of pure fiction.
I do however have great knowledge of the mental disorders used in this story, but I have no claim to know all about them.
Summary: He was always the kid next door. He was always the kid that went to that special school and he was always that kid that had someone with him at all times. And Jonghyun wanted to know why.
Author's Note: I am writing this of pure whim. I have no clue as to where this story will take me. Hopefully to the end.
Now if any of you were wondering about Haluta, my 2min fic, I haven't given up on that, I just don't know where the notebook is. And for any other stories I have yet to complete, I have no updates on them at all.
So please, enjoy Autistic Behaviors.
Eleven Years Ago
There was a crash and a bang from the house next door. Little Jonghyun didn't know what to make of it. He simply continued to play with his blocks in the front yard while his dad walked next door to see what was wrong.
Before the little brunette knew it, those ambulances were pulling up and some police men came walking up to the house next door.
As the door opened, screaming and crying assaulted Jonghyun's ears and made him want to cry. It sounded like the puppy his dog bad that he had accidentally stepped on while running through the house. Like the baby bird his cat caught and killed time and time again. It made him sad
He walked into his house and went up to his mommy, who was on the phone, and crawled into her lap. He was content until he could also hear the sadness in her voice
And he didn't want to hear it anymore, he just simply wanted to find someone to play with. Or at least keep him distracted until that poor boy stopped screaming like his dog had died
It was annoying Jonghyun and he could so nothing but sit there and huff, waiting for his mommy to get off the phone and coddle him like the child he was.
Even though he was now nine years old. And becoming a man, he still didn't like the sad bunny rabbit next door.
And that's what he'll call him, a bunny rabbit, even though his cries were more of something like a wildebeest.
It was almost an hour later when his appa had come home and told them both that he was gone. His umma had immediately gone next door while little Jonghyun was left confused, still wondering what was going on.
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