Voting wasn't posted last night (obviously), so here am I doing that now. Sorry for the incovenience!
I'd also like to note that you do not vote according to your own personal preferences. Saying that (for example) you're not a fan of b&w icons does not constitute as a vote & it will not be counted.
★ Voting for challenge 2-6 will end at December 16th, 2007 at 11:00 PM EST.
★ You are voting for 2 (TWO) icons of LESSER QUALITY to be eliminated, and 1 (ONE) icons that is YOUR FAVORITE for People's Choice awards. For the elimination icons, please judge based on overall technique and aesthetic quality, NOT personal preferences. We reserve the right to void any vote we feel is unfair or petty. You do not have to give a reason for your FAVORITE icon choices (though it is encouraged), but YOU MUST GIVE A REASON FOR YOUR ELIMINATIONS.
★ Do NOT vote for your own icons (for either category) and don't feel obligated to not vote for your friends' icons, etc. Keep things as objective as possible!
★ ANYONE CAN VOTE. You do not have to be a contestant or anything, so VOTE AWAY!
★ Here is an example vote for you to follow (2 eliminations, 1 favorites):
#101 - The excessive use of textures over-powers the icon.
#102 - The icon is too washed out overall.
Favorite - #104 because I love the cropping.
★ Finally, if you have any questions, post it in the F.A.Q. entry
SKIPS (confirmed):
heartiillySKIPS (unconfirmed): coming soon.