Jun 12, 2004 19:10
Hmm.. not much going on today...
My brother was online all night, he didnt sleep so i woke up at nine and went bck to sleep till 11 to see if he was off... but of course he wasnt. Finally at like 2 he got off and chelsea called about going to the mall to meet frank.. but i wasnt even close to ready yet and we had no ride home so i chose to stay home...
A hour later me and my mom went out. We went to the exchange and bought this really good filipino drink, mmm :P. Then we bought the Sex and The City Third Season tape. AH! I was so excited, yay...
Kendrick called me in the middle of the second episode, dammit he ruined it. He wants me to go to dairy queen with him and jim but i dont feel like it...
ARGH, i found out my bros not coming this friday :( fucking blows. Hes gonna wait till the 4th of july which sucks cause i really wanted to see him friday.. blah
My neice threw up.. it was so nasty. It was like neon orange lol. Shes been sick all week and went to the hospital this morning :( aww..
my bros in one of those quiet pissy moods, i fucking hate when hes like this... and my sister in laws on that cleanser diet thing so shes grouchy cause she cant eat for 10 days, BLAH. Me and my mom are the only normal ones today :/..
Well i guess im gonna watch sex and the city all night! First time with out my Scheming Ladies but its alright, 2 more months. Ah.. sex and the city, woohoo