Takahata Misaki; Happy Birthday ♪

Aug 07, 2009 13:44

Please excuse my fail &poorly photoshoped banner;
but we gotta wish him all the best~

I really miss you ;A;
Without you, BI Shadow just isn't complete.
Excuse my rambling; but I don't even consider this new group BI Shadow anymore. It's basically just Fuma and Kento put together with Hokku and Yuugo.
Yeah; Hokku was a "BIS member" for a while but it wasn't long. And he hardly even performed as group with them. Oh and dont mind me; i DO still love BIS. I just really want Misaki back. ToT

But back to the matter at hand.
I really wish you didn't just suddenly disappear. I don't think there was even an explanation for why you left!

You were the leader.
You caught many fangirl-eyes with your acting in Scrap Teacher.
In fact; I was just watching episode 7 again, because it was YOUR episode. ♥

I love how you act all cool and everything. So in the future; i hope to see you in the entertainment business again because boy-oh-boy; i'm very sure that I, along with your many fangirls that accumulated after ST and possibly before, will be in line to once again, be a fan of Takahata Misaki.

Wish you all the best ne~ ♪ ^o^

--selena. ♥

Look look! even that cake (That's supposed to be Kento's) says BI Shadow!

Now for some random quotes based on translations from jump_daisuki !

"Misaki kun likes bowling so, we’ll definitely do that." --Nakajima Kento

"I don’t think Kento and I would be living without Takahata (laughs)." -- Kikuchi Fuma

“how I envy people who can smile” -- Takahata Misaki

"Misaki kun has a great smile too (laughs). " -- Nakajima Kento

Okay this is a long one because i really love this entire paragraph:
"●For dates, just a normal date. I have a feeling someone will say “what do you mean by normal date?” (laughs). Instead, I want to know an ideal date! It’s too embarrassing at the park in the neighborhood ‘cause my family might see us and if we go to a faraway place, it’s too awkward to talk to the girl while going there. I like to watch my movies alone. Maybe I’m a type of person who won’t be able to date ever… Ah, maybe bowling? But I don’t want to be alone with her. I won’t be able to concentrate on bowling (laughs)." --Takahata Misaki

Those two bolded lines make me smile. ♥

ALL CREDIT GOES TO smalltownsburns !
Please refer to here for all the BIS translations she did :)

And thats it.
Hope we keep loving Misaki!
He and Taiyou have a special place in my heart~ ♥

!birthday, *j: takahata misaki

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