if you were wondering what i am up to...

Jul 26, 2011 00:07

Sorry guys, never believe my lies again. I won't be active on LJ in the foreseeable future. I don't see myself coming back to update often, because honestly i am just not as interested in updating things anymore. if anything i'd update my website, www.ohayitsyou.webs.com, but then again i haven't done that in ALMOST a month....................................so. you know. LOL.
Basically that site is just my blog where i keep myself updated. nobody goes on there. i just keep it there for future reference
of the past. ehhe.

So what am I up to? I've been HP marathoning all July, and am still in HP mode. I still think Luna and Harry are a better couple and Ginny and Neville would be perfect together too. And I still like Draco. Okay, I like Tom Felton. LOL.

And Taiwan / HK trip coming up soon. Which is why this update is here. Just wanted to post up a schedule of what I'm doing next month! haha. My aunts made up a schedule and everything. so intense.

5: arrival, registration, buy necessities
6: facebook....information session(?), tour of uni, chinese class, party
7: tamshui district daytrip.(old street, tamkang highschool, museum)
8: opening ceremony, government tour
9: beitou (famous for hotsprings...not sure if i'll get to go to one though), taipei 101, shi lin night market
10: bakery tour (lol noo clue??), science center, fengjia night market
11: riyue tang (sun moon lake), old village
12: lugang old street, some lake, c o m p u t e r
13: soldier school and navy base
14: kaohsiung daytrip
15: kenting national park, liu he night market
16: a spa
17: farms, zhong hua night market
18: seven star lake, a park.
19: luodong sports park, art gallery
20: family free day
21: taipei travel day, cuisine, shopping etc.
22: taipei travel day, cultural
23: culture class, a part of bali i think?
24: closing day
25: airplane .

25: arrival, dinner
26: dimsum with paternal side, shopping, eating, chillage day
27: 360 cable car, vegetarian food, pray to buddha  ?, prepare for BBQ
28: BBQ with the fam at 'lion mountain park'. (maternal side!)
29: hong kong island daytrip (sunset, cable cars, electric cars, night view, etc)
30: ocean park with cousins! japanese buffet
31: disney land with cousins!
1: shopping (macau, tsim sha tsui, etc other districts)
2: chang zhou island daytrip, seafood, tsim sha tsui night view
3: paternal side's turn, shopping, last minute stoff etc
4: airplane back to canada!

This is such an intense and fun-packed trip. I'm going to have so much fun. I hope to buy many things in asia sob :')


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