Sep 26, 2003 00:15
Damn....i'm really angry. Ever had those days where you get in a mood and things shouldnt be bad but really you feel like punching someones teeth into thier brain? I get in these moods sometimes and i have no idea why. I really have no reason to be mad or angry at all i guess. This is what we shall call life. gotta deal with it.
So anyway...lighter note. I got this candle that smells like strawberry. *big smile*
why do we put so much faith in people we havent ever met? the internet is a dangerous tool.
it seems to me that people have become too afraid to meet people in real life. With all these internet dating and whatnot, why dont we just talk in real life? because when you do...people are rude or they dont wanna put forth the effort to meet someone new. I went walking with my roomate the other day around my complex. On the way I said hi or whatup or some variation thereof to about 10-15 people. I know they heard me and i wasent speaking chinese, i dont even have a real thick accent, and yet these people either straight up ignored me, looked at me like i was a retard missing his helmet and bus and wall to bang head against, or they said whatup and made the hugest effort to not talk to me anymore. I understand that i AM male and that most guys would not want to talk to a male that they dont know for fear of being conceived as a man-lover or some shit, but come on people. WHAT IS THE FREAKING DEAL?? what happened to the days where you could go up to a group and mingle and have people be nice to you. Make friends and whatnot. most people arent wierd. most are normal. in my experience anyway. why not give em a chance. i always want to meet people...most of you are interesting or cool in your own way. cept the stupid ones.
heh...take things lightly or else youll never be content i guess.
*big smile*