dramacityrp AU RP COMMUNITY
This RP exists on an Alternate Universe, set on modern day Japan, in a fictional city known as New Tokyo. The game chronicles the lives of its denizens as they go on with their day to day lives making good and bad relationships/connections.
As of the moment, muses that are available for claim are characters taken from previously aired and currently airing dramas. For now, these dramas must be of Japanese, Korean, or Taiwanese origins. Imagine your favorite character from one drama interacting with another one of your favorite character in another drama.
To make things more interesting, major plot twists appear in-game. similarly on how different and almost random twists occur on dramas. The major plot twists that can be encountered within the game may range from extremely serious to extremely crack; from war and terrorism to alien invasion. Life is nothing without dramas.
INFO RULES CLAIMS APPLY FAQ STYLESHEET The role playing community is fairly new and we would like to see more female characters to make the game interesting.