Japan - Reverted back to a (xenophobic) child

Jun 28, 2011 21:59

What if Korea wasn't the one that Britannia Angel reverted into a child? What if it was Japan? What if it took place in a world meeting?

I just want to see stoic-and-friendly-to-the-Westerners!Kiku turning back into that rude little kid who is xenophobic and terrified of strangers, who always clings to his Nii-niiChina and calls those like England and France and America "foreign devils." ♥

BONUS: First person that tries to comfort him is England. Or America. Who little!Japan would most definitely think of as a foreign devil.
BONUS2: China refuses to let Japan go. And won't let anybody near him. And wishes Kiku would stay as a child. *cough*doesn'tletEnglandchangehimback*cough*

Request Link: here
Status: unfilled

part 12, unfilled, k - de-aging, c - ensemble, c - japan

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