My UCLA Graduation

Jul 01, 2003 21:27

aiite, aiite...I have a lot of stuff to write about...but first things first.. =D

Okay, so yup...I graduated 2 weeks ago. June 22, 2003, bAbY!!! Hahah...I honestly had no idea that SOOOO many people would show up. I think that at final count, there were THIRTY people -- family and church friends -- that came to the graduation. It really meant a lot to me that they all came and supported me. hahahah...and they sat all up front too. So when my name was said, they were screaming their lungs out. I mean, I think they startled the announcer person..heh.

And you gotta keep in mind that this is the math department graduation we're talkin about. Not enginnering, not biochem, not poli sci...but dinky, small, tiny math. I mean, the ceremony was ONLY ONE HOUR. Crazy, huh??

hahah...but it was HEELLLAA laid-back. It was sooo casual and literally unorganized. You know how you're supposed to turn your tassel from the right to the left after you graduate? Yeah...they didn't do that. And you know how there's always some special speaker? Nope...didn't have one. And you know how there's always some concluding remarks to the ceremony? For us, a math professor went up and said, "Thanks for coming. You can go now." and walked off the stage. math majors apparently have something wrong with was SOOO good to see my high school friends again. Ethan, Jacob, John, Matt, and Thomas...thanx so much for coming down. Heh, who knew that our friendship would stay this strong even after...what is it now...eight years??? heh. And I know that Daniel and Felix were driving the WRX back from New Hampshire that weekend and couldn't come, so it's totally understandable. =)

It was really nice seeing my family again. Yeah..."family." Heh, I dad still knows how to be a royal pain in the butt. Like for example, I told my family that me and my high school friends would get there earliest. But Parking Lot 9 was HELLA messed up. The construction took out the ramp on the top!! So we were running up and down SIX flights of stairs. If you look at Ethans's photo album ( ), photos 6 and 7 are of me madly running around the top of Parking Structure 9 trying to find out how the heck to exit the place and get to the Court of Sciences.

But yeah, because of me stupidly being "trapped" in the parking structure, my dad ends up calling us and he's all "Where are you guys???" Okay...the ceremony starts at NINE O'Clock. He's already there by EIGHT. And I'm like "We're here...we're here..." So we find my parents and then I tell my mom and sister, "Hey, we need to rope of thirty seats." I mean, it's not a big deal. That's why we got there early, you know? So my mom and sis and my friends go off and reserve 30 seats.

And then my dad goes, "Why are we reserving 30 seats???" and I'm all, "Cause there are gonna be 30 people coming." And he's all, "Well...they should come and reserve their own seats."

psh...yeah, that got me quite peeved. Hahah...apparenly Ethan has good (or bad) timing. YOu can see me pissed off in photos 8 and 9...hehe..

But was a really good time. I mean, I had hung out with my family, my aunt, her fiancé and my great-aunt the night (Sat nite) before in Monterey Park...and over 30 people from church came to support me on graduation day...=)

Shoot...I absolutely cannot explain how grateful I am to everybody who came.

Although Ming seriously needs to learn to be quiet. The worst thing possible while walking on stage is...hearing a frat boy yell out, "SEXY JASSOONNNN..."


hahah...but that's okay...I did it to my youths who were graduating from high school. Okay...not to the guys, though...hahahah...

Anywayz, here are some pictures if you want to see them. I already posted up Ethan's link, and here's Ernie's link ( ).

Thanks to everybody who wished me a happy graduation. hehe...sorry about drifting off during that whole period, Jennifer. heh.
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