[Dream] Have you ever been the heroine of a horror movie?

Aug 15, 2011 12:44

[FR] Cette fois la version anglaise! Je viens de zieuter la traduction Google, c'est à mourir de rire, sérieusement X'DDDDDD Il faut que quelqu'un m'explique comment, oui COMMENT ils ont réussi à traduire "flocon" (snowflake) par "little jars" (flacons). J'ai regardé trois fois, je n'ai pas fait de faute de frappe et c'était même en majuscules, WTF ( Read more... )

friends, ?self portrait, i had a dream, software: gimp, 3615 mylife, art: digital, sketch

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supaserajupiter August 15 2011, 20:03:15 UTC
I can't tell why but boys wearing glasses make me squee, they're super cute. A girl wearing glasses, not really. A red-haired girl will make me awwwww. A red-haired boy not at all. Nevermind. *gigglesnort* We all have things that make us squee! u-u Some things just look better on certain types of people/genders/pie.

Oh my pie, that was so EXCITING!!!!!!! :D :D :D What an awesome dream! If we're following horror movie rules, then Cafard would have to die. You kiss in a horror movie or have sex = automatic death. Being a black person means an automatic death too -.-;; They're the first ones to go. There's the horrormovierules things on twitter, so yeah. Anymoo, you would have a premonition of yourself being killed by the blonde and that premonition gives you the key to killing the blonde.

So, you murder her and you think it's all over. It's not over. This is a horror movie. You may have survived the first part but there's ALWAYS a sequel and the main character has to die. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

More fun with google translate:

Ben me, it happened to me. In a dream (of course, it was like to say). It was super special "and above all, it was finished fishtail NAME OF A LITTLE JARS, MORE MORE MORE, I WANT THE SUIIIIIIIIIIITE!! * rolls on the ground *

The strangest thing in history is that it was not so strange, it was almost makes sense. Almost Heiniger, we speak of a dream.

@_@ Heiniger??? You want the suite? XDD Little jars is the best part though!! LOLOLOL!!


asiancloud August 15 2011, 21:47:27 UTC
LMAO, I've just translated my entry back to French and your comment too: Oh my pie becomes Oh mon gâteau = Oh my CAKE! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL And the little jars become little... pots! Save the best for last: More fun with Google translate becomes Plus de plaisir avec Google translate in which "fun" is translated into "pleasure". Not only does it sound like a commercial but it also has a sexual connotation, I can't stop laughing X'DDDDDDDDDD

Yay, Cafard HAS to die, he deserves it, he's been a jerk that one time (and adorable all of the other times). Cafard dying is even part of the private joke: he's a cockroach and he dies on a regular basis. But he ALWAYS comes back because, you know... he's a cockroach ">_>

Oooooh, I have to find that Twitter! But I'm not so sure I want to know the end of my horror movie now. Especially if there's a sequel in which I'm supposed to die. Ahem. ">_>

Time to go to bed, I hope I'll remember my dreams tonight too <3


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